Our long years of manufacturing blister sealing equipment, has given us the knowledge and unique ability to help you pick the right sealer. At the point of sealing, all blister sealers are similar. How the package gets to that point, however can be very different. We can help guide you to the proper machine size and type for your needs.
Our long years of integrity and ability have allowed no fewer than 4 manufacturers to trust us as a distributor of their machinery. We will always help you pick the right machine for you, not the best sale for us.
Our Other Services
Machinery for Blister Packaging
Since our founding, CPI has excelled in the manufacture of all parts of blister packaging. We have manufactured everything including cards, blisters, sealing trays and packaging machinery. We currently either print here or use one of many outside vendors, depending on need and timeframe… LEARN MORE
Products for Blister Packaging
Since our beginning, CPI has excelled in the manufacture of all areas of blister packaging. We have manufactured everything including cards, blisters, sealing trays and packaging machinery. We currently either print here or use one of many outside vendors, depending on need and timeframe… LEARN MORE
Machinery for Skin Packaging
Clearwater packaging is an industry leader in short to medium run skin board orders. We have over 40 years of experience with the skin packaging process including machinery, films, cutting dies and all sizes and types of boards… LEARN MORE
Products for Skin Packaging
Clearwater packaging is an industry leader in short to medium run skin board orders. We have over 40 years of experience with the skin packaging process including machinery, films, cutting dies and all sizes and types of boards… LEARN MORE